Psilocybin for Depression: The ACE (Accept/Connect/Embody) Model

"The Psilocybin for Depression: The ACE Manual '' describes the structure, procedures, and scripts used in the two Imperial College London studies (Psilodep) researching psilocybin treatment for major depression. The studies utilized the ACE (Accept, Connect and Embody)model as a therapeutic framework. The model is based on six psychological flexibility processes(Experiential Acceptance, Present Moment Focus, Cognitive Defusion, Self as Context, Values, Committed Action) that are the core of the ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy), otherwise called Psychological Flexibility Model (PFM).

The ACE model was developed into ACER (with the addition of R for Restore) within the ACER Integration model. You can find out more about ACER Integration here.

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