The Pearl Protocol

What is the Pearl Protocol?

The Pearl Protocol was created by Dr Rosalind Watts and used as a tool for preparing participants for psychedelic therapy sessions in the Psilocybin for Depression trials at Imperial College, London. You can find more information about the trials in the ACE Model Manual. Since that time, Rosalind has created an audio version of the Pearl Dive guided imagery journey. This tool for preparing for psychedelic therapy has been created with bespoke music by Finn Petcher. She has also created another guided imagery journey, Planting the Pearl as a Seed, which is a tool for integrating insights from psychedelic therapy, also with music by Finn Petcher. These two audio journeys are now available to the general public for free via the ACER Integration website.

If you find these journeys helpful, you may be interested in ACER Integration. This is an online community including sharing circles, breathwork, and many more guided imagery audio journeys by Ros and Finn. This community is set up for anyone wanting to increase their connectedness to self, community, and the living world. You do not need to be engaging in psychedelic therapy to benefit from ACER.

The Pearl Protocol audio journeys are not exclusively designed for use alongside psychedelic therapy. They can be used to help anyone dive down from our everyday busy lives to listen to the wisdom of the heart. We hope you enjoy them.

Dr Watts and her collaborators do not endorse the use of illegal substances. Illegal substances do not form part of the Pearl Protocol.

Use of this resource is at your own risk. Always seek the guidance of your doctor or a qualified mental health professional with any questions you may have regarding your mental health or a medical condition in advance of taking part in the Pearl Protocol.

Guided imagery is contraindicated for some. Individuals with a history of psychosis or any other mental illness that prevents them from differentiating reality from imagination should abstain from using the Pearl Protocol.